Monday, February 16, 2015

Long Time, No Sea

*found in my drafts. originally written almost a year ago during my time in San Luis, Argentina*

I haven't posted on this blog in forever, and I apologize. This is how you hear about my world, and I've left you in the dark!

The truth is, I forgot about my blog. I've been so busy this outreach, it's been overwhelming. We're doing so much and it's hard to keep up with everything going already, so to add this is insane. I hope I can fit as much information into this post as I can without boring you!

This past months and a half, my team and I have been teaching, preaching, and praying all over the place. We have been teaching the Divine Plumb Line (Amos 7:7-8) (which includes things such as fear of God, personalities, renovation of the mind, the walls of rejection and rebellion, lust traps, spiritual doors, and the pillars of salvation), as well as topics such as families, sexuality, child abuse and family violence, and the prevention of both of these. These are things that we all learned in our school, and our outreach is about taking what we've learned and teaching and giving seminars on the same topics.

San Luis

We were part of so many different churches and organizations during the month we were there, I can't even count them all.

We visited a prison, splitting up into 3 groups, and giving a message to 3 different sections/groups at the prison: men who had a life sentence, men who have a temporary sentence, and women who were both. We got to pray for them afterwards and they were great people.

We were part of a 3 day camp, where we taught the plumb line to the youth ages 12-25. I twas so amazing seeing these kids learn about themselves and how God wants to heal their lives and bring them closer to Him. Pictures!

Emmanuel and Mariana teaching the plumb line

The campsite!



Fun and games!

It's all fun and games until... it's time to get dirty. O_o

These balloons had all sorts of stuff in them: it ranged from water and mud to soup and spaghetti.

The grosser the stuff inside, the more points you would earn for your team.

After a great message, we got to pray for any of the students who came forward for prayer.

It was incredible to see the devotion of these kids.

He let us attempt to braid his hair. Such a good sport!

Next game! First you slide on this soapy slip and slide...

Then you had to get an acorn out of a bucket of water... with soap and flour and dirt... and with your mouth!

Next, with the acorn in your mouth, walk through this tangle of strings! You got so spit the acorn out after this.

Then you would go through this pool of dirty water, under that pink thing, and then you would be able to pass a little ball off to the next person on your team

It's dinner time!!!


Asado! (BBQ)

Yes, those are stars!!! (I love my camera. :P )
We had such a great time with this camp. I loved hanging with the kids and leaders. Seeing lives begin to transform when truth is spoken into someone's life, is priceless.

We spent time in a new neighborhood and evangelized to the people there. There were a tons of kids, so we set up a lot of events to involve them. We set up times for them to watch movies with us, play games, and hear about God. We were able to speak life into the lives of the children who were possibly being abused by their parents by teaching them about how they can be aware of themselves and others.

This is an area we were living in for about a week.

Look at that sky!

I got to paint this beautiful girl's nails!!

Emmanuel giving a lesson.

Playing games with the kids in the neighborhood. This game is called "Cielo, Tierra, Mar" or in English "Sky, Earth, Sea."

Mayelin doing her pedicure thang. ;)

This is what happens when your friend takes pictures of all the kids... I have more!!

We visited this youth group.

Ice cream was donated to us! Can you see the amazingness of the ice cream here?!

Another place we went was a little church in a not so great neighborhood. We hung out with these girls on the daily. :)

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